My Single Valentine

A few years ago, I was having a conversation with a male co-worker about relationships and my state of singleness. After listening to me drone on about my horrible affliction for the gazillionth time, he asked with a voice of exasperation, “Amanda, why do you let being single define you so much?”

I remember it like it was yesterday because it struck me deeply and I felt embarrassed.

He was right.

Something clicked and I realized that he didn’t see me as his “single friend Amanda.” He saw me as a smart, funny, interesting woman and he was baffled – and almost angry – that I could not see myself the same way simply because I was single.

But sometimes it’s hard not to fret about our relationship status, isn’t it?

And, on Valentine’s Day, when we are literally getting slapped in the face with heart-shaped balloons, it’s particularly hard to ignore the questions—“Why haven’t I met The One?” “Am I doing something wrong?” “Am I swiping left too much on Bumble?”

So, as I prepared to write this article, I went to the ultimate source for answers— Google.

Whoa! There is a lot of information out there about what you’re doing wrong and what you need to change about yourself to score a relationship: “be more aggressive,” “don’t make the first move,” “wear more skirts,” “don’t be so picky”… does any of this sound familiar?

After reading all the dizzying advice, I started thinking about the tape that runs in the heads of single women. It’s no wonder that women feel a sense of shame and responsibility for their singleness. It’s tough out there, and it’s hard not to look for an explanation as to why you haven’t found the right person.

But, unfortunately, all too often that internal tape turns into negative thoughts and self-blame about not being enough or doing enough to be in a relationship.

I’m not going to attempt to tell you why you are single or offer up a to-do list for how to get a relationship. But, I will ask you this one question: would you do anything differently?

When you look at how you live your life, does it bring you peace and comfort – and maybe even a sense of pride? If it does, then what is it about you that needs to change?

  • If you are open and vulnerable to the idea of love and relationships, don’t change a thing.
  • If you are “putting yourself out there” in a way that honors your authenticity and values, don’t change a thing.
  • If you are waiting for the right fit – even if it means being alone for now, don’t change a thing.
  • If you can accept imperfection in others and yourself, don’t change a thing.
  • If you are pursuing activities that fulfill you, don’t change a thing.
  • If you have relationships that help you to be your best self, don’t change a thing.
  • If you are a source of love and encouragement to others, don’t change a thing.
  • If you take care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally, don’t change a thing

Listen, I’m not trying to sugarcoat the pain of wanting to share your life with someone and that reality feeling out of reach. It’s okay to be sad about it sometimes, abuse chocolate in times of need, or cry out “what is taking so long?” But, at the end of this well-deserved venting session, I hope you’ll ask yourself “would I do anything differently?”

If you can say no to that question, I hope you’ll take a moment to marvel at your life; a life that you have worked hard to create; a life that is being lived with intention, strength and character.

And, if you would like to do some things differently, I encourage you to think about what you’re waiting for. Are you afraid that if you get too busy loving your life you’ll miss out on meeting someone? Are you letting your fears and insecurities rule your decision-making? If so, maybe it’s time to quit letting your singleness define you. (And, book a free consultation to talk about how I can help you.)

P.S. I wrote this when I was single. 2020 brought me the gift of love and marriage. I still stand by every word I wrote above. There is nothing wrong with you if you are single. However, we can always benefit from learning more about ourselves and what blocks might be standing in the way of finding lasting, sustainable love. I know I sure had to do some inner work to get out of my own way!

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